The beautiful chaos of a neurodivergent mind

Autism and ADHD together in one brain feels like a group project. Half of the group can’t stop brainstorming, while the other half insists on meticulously organizing every idea. It’s a mix of chaos and method, but always interesting. There’s always that one part that starts at 3 a.m. the night before. And just like any group project, somehow, it always comes together in the end. 

Autistic ADHD means I’m both an internal processor AND a verbal processor. I process what happens around me internally but at the same time I have the need to process it verbally.

When I’m in the verbal processing state I need to talk about things over and over again with many different people to get all the perspectives possible. When I’m internally processing something, I am analyzing every detail and trying to know all the whys. 

Autism makes me an extreme rule follower. When ADHD impulsivity comes into play, it makes me angry with myself because I’ve “broken a rule.” I feel like a living contradiction. An extroverted introvert. 

So… I’m an open book until I’m closed?

In any case, I’d love to chat with you if you’re a fellow neurodivergent spirit.
