Deaf-Friendly Body Doubling

Co-working sessions for Deaf and signing people where we keep the cameras on.

What is body doubling?

Body doubling is a productivity technique where individuals work alongside someone else, either physically or virtually. The body double provides a supportive presence while each person tackles their tasks, creating a shared working environment.

How does it work?

We work independently on our tasks while maintaining a shared video presence, a visual cue that simulates the experience of working alongside someone. The shared environment boosts accountability, reduces isolation, and enhances focus and productivity.

What are the benefits of body doubling?

Benefits include increased focus, accountability, reduced feelings of isolation, and the creation of a structured work environment. It can be particularly helpful for those who find solo work challenging or prefer a collaborative atmosphere.

Is it only for neurodivergent individuals?

No, body doubling is not exclusive to neurodivergent individuals. While it can be beneficial for those with conditions like ADHD or autism, the concept is applicable to anyone seeking a structured and supportive work environment.

Do we have to work on the same tasks?

No, body doubles can work on different tasks. The primary goal is to create a shared working environment, and individuals can engage in their own projects while benefiting from the mutual support and accountability.

Do I have to leave my video on?

Yes, in our Deaf space, we keep our video on and audio off. If a simple online presence without visual interaction suits you better, other online spaces offer co-working sessions where you can turn off your video.

I’m not an expert signer. Can I still join?

Absolutely. You don’t need to be an expert signer to join our community. The primary focus is on creating a supportive and inclusive environment centered around the Deaf experience in coworking. Whether you’re a fluent signer or just starting to learn, you’re welcome to participate and contribute to the collective productivity.

Can I socialize during sessions?

While the social aspect is one of the benefits of body doubling, it’s essential to balance it with maintaining focus and productivity. We encourage and will have collective short breaks for socializing encouraged, allowing participants to address social tension before promptly returning to individual tasks.

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